How the term 'Search' changed to 'Google'

' Hi, could you please search the meaning of impromptu '.
' Hi, could you please google the meaning of impromptu '.
Two different lines, but just as easily comprehended. This has been the effect of Google in the modern era. And this is not something that has happened like a fairy tale. No. It has been a journey of ups and downs.

The video above mostly points out to the fact that Google may get itself into some trouble if they try to expand too much but, my thoughts - ' Risk and success are two faces of the same coin. '

Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were at Stanford University. The initial design of the Google web page was very basic since neither of them were experienced in designing web pages. As their web page started to get famous, they changed the whole game with a new design of searching which yielded unexpectedly sweet fruit.
Google's homepage in 1998
Now, Google is a $120 bn corporation with a staggering 47,756 employees at it's disposal and today's leading search engine. Previously, it was only used for searching items until Google started to extend it's foot into the android and productivity software. This allowed them to extend their profits exponentially. Today, their major source of profit is AdWords.

But, to beat today's IT Giants, Google needs to takeover the Gaming and Entertainment market as well. The major game producers in today's markets need to be bought and invested in for a few years. Also, investment in scouting for bright young minds is a good strategy because it's the idea that matters the most.
As soon as returns are high enough, a new extension of Google for the production of Laptops,Mobiles and accessories is a vital step towards eliminating other rivals from expanding too. 
Also, as per the population in East, Google has not been very successful. Launching exclusive products for East may attract more users. 
If Google is able to put it's mark across the globe, it may well be on the road to a permanent IT market domination.
This has been and what can be the face of Google in the past and the future untold.
Hope you enjoyed reading my blog.
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Thank you!


  1. Awesome Article Man!!

  2. Nice study and an awesome blog...

  3. Very insightful read, especially the title which is very catchy. You could have rounded up your points with better cohesion but the totality of the 'Google transformation' was definitely well expressed.

  4. Nice observation and excellent way of presentation. Great , keep it up.

  5. Nicely written. Though I dont really think that if Google start foraying into the gaming and electronics market it would do them much good, considering the market there is already littered with too much of competition. I think its there search engine which is still driving them. And they should build whatever they want to around that. Though they would like to avoid the sort of fail that Orkut and Google + (which I supposedly think were/are a fail).


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