Facebook buys WhatsApp : Pros and Cons

Okay, this has been the hottest topic since the last week and so, an article on the $19 bn acquisition of Whatsapp by Facebook was definitely a must write.

In a quest to conquer all the instant messaging market, Facebook leaves no competitors hanging around. While this may be good for Mr. Mark Zuckerberg, let's see what we have in store for ourselves.

Pros : 

  • Facebook clearly says that Whatsapp will remain separated and will never be turned into an extension of Facebook messaging. I think we can trust them with that since they only acquired, but never reformed the famous 'Instagram'.
  • While Whatsapp was an incredibly famous Instant messaging tool throughout the world, it lacked some monetary resources to expand freely. Facebook can provide this and we can expect better service from Whatsapp soon.(The recent outage is mentioned later) 

  • Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg has made it absolutely clear that Whatapp will become Ads free service since has been their 'motto' from the start.

  • There is also a possibility of more people getting connected around the globe.

Cons :

  • The fame of Whatsapp or for that matter, any instant messaging system, is temporary. While it offers a free messaging system right now, it is yet to reach it's critical point. From that point onward, it's all 'MAY-DAY' for Whatsapp. It is only a matter of time before mobile companies and service providers come up with cheaper plans and displace Whatsapp.

  • In the foreseeable future, a page asking to log in to Facebook first in order to use Whatsapp  isn't really a hazy image.

  • Facebook's idea of not monetizing from Ads in Whatsapp and still keeping it a free instant messaging app may prove to be costly for FB. Already their stocks have seen a dip of 3.7%, analysts are critic of such a huge acquisition without any return guarantee.

  • Using Whatsapp owned by Facebook could mean giving away our personal Mobile number which many users won't be willing to be a part of.

To summarize, I think Facebook didn't exactly send the right kind of message by hosting an outage in Whatsapp days after FB acquired it. But, we need to give time to them since we have had such excellent service from Facebook and the same cannot be denied to Whatsapp.

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