Google set to launch Android SDK for wearable
A Google Smartwatch on way? Oh Yes!
As Google digs deeper into Android market with new creative ideas, Sundar Pichai, Senior Vice President of Google announced at the SXSW conference that they would be releasing an Android SDK(Software Development Kit) for wearable developers by the end of the month. Pichai also said that the SDK may be applied to bring out different wearable as well.
Sundar Pichai at SXSW conference
While the Android SDK will mainly be aimed at other wearable makers only, Google itself is also thought to be working on building wearable hardware with the Mountain View Smartwatch project rumored for months. Currently, after the successful collaboration in building Nexus Smartphones with LG, it is believed that the Smartwatch project has also been handed over to LG for wearable.
The expected outlook of the Smartwatch.
While Samsung has already landed in this business with it's Galaxy Gear 2, Google may have the upper hand. This is because the Gear 2 is only compatible with Galaxy Smartphones while, the Google Smartwatch will be compatible with any Android device with Google sync.
The date of release isn't official yet, but it is believed that it will be unveiled at the Google I/O developer's conference scheduled to happen on June 25/26 this year.
Overall, we can very much look forward to the rise of a new wearable Android market as Google, Samsung, Sony and other IT giants take it to another level.
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